Categories; Professional, Advanced, Elite, Over 40s & Doubles.

STAGE 1 – Video entry

You are invited to submit an Online video entry, alongside your application form and payment. Videos must be submitted via a YouTube link to be included in your application form. YouTube link must be set to Public or view with link.

Online video Entries are to be min 2 mins, max 3 mins.Your video entry will be judged on the same criteria, guidelines, Rules & Regulations as the final, so please read the notes attached and make the effort for best chances of being placed.

Video entry free £15 is paid via the link below

Please note. Your entry IS NOT submitted/complete until we have received your:

Payment ✅️ Application ✅️ YouTube link ✅️

Closing date for videos will be Sunday 11th May 2024.

STAGE 2 – Finalists

Successful finalists will be requested to pay an entry fee of £20 on confirmation of their spot.

The top 5 from each category will go through to the final – if 1 category is not filled extra places will be open for the solo female.

The winner will be presented with the prestigious title of the All Ireland Pole Dance Champion, crown, sash, trophy, and some excellent prizes from our lovely sponsors.

Their is no entry fee at the online stage. Successful applicants /finalists will be requested to pay an entry fee of £20 on confirmation of their spot. This will be payable via a link supplied in the finalist confirmation email.

The Final will be Sat 20th Sept , Mandela Hall.

Please read the guidelines, rules and regulations and then fill in the Application Form below.